School management system

Web Based school-management-system System

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School Management System

To begin with, let's explore why do schools need management system at all? With the advent of technology covering schools and other educational institutions, records are no more maintained in files, nor are information required to be stored by human beings. In order to tackle all these mundane jobs, schools are currently employing Online School Management System. Multi-tiered and affordable, it provides help for all routine jobs that are required to be performed in running a school efficiently and well. In fact, everything that a school may need for the

school management system can be found in it that includes the following:

  • School Management software
  • Parent/teacher collaborating schedules
  • Online training and lectures
  • Payroll
  • Transport
  • Hostel
  • HR Management
  • Online Registrations
  • Timetables, Attendance records and scheduling events
  • Online tests and exams
  • Account management
  • Staff/ faculty management
  • Online Fee Payment

Benefits of a School Management System

A well organized School Management system helps run a school efficiently by way of:

  • Scheduling the yearly calendar and drafting holiday plans and vacation programs
  • Creating data likely to be shared across parents and teachers
  • Organizing annual events in a user-friendly format
  • Federal management and translucency of multi-language and multi-disciplinary schools
  • Timetables, Attendance records and scheduling events

Online School Management Solutions – features

Most online school management solutions offer a wide range of services that include:

  • Unlimited student licenses
  • Restricted access for certain data banks
  • Compatible on tablets and mobile phones alike
  • Comprehensive and easy usage for teachers and students
  • flexible pricing and user friendly surface
  • Customizable due to PHP construction structure

Apart from the features listed above, many online school management solutions also offer a huge array of benefits to the Management of the school itself. It easily allows the integration of the various campuses and lends a tech-savvy image to the school. While all the processes become automated it also stores all information centrally with zero redundancy. The feature of auto generation of time tables and schedules also allows the dynamics of substituent and alternatives. It is also a cost effective solution to run the school effectively.

As for the interaction between parents and teachers, these online school management solutions prove highly beneficial for both. Apart from creating regular interactions between the parents and the teachers, it makes the child actively participate in all the school activities. An ever available report on the child's activities and progress makes it easy for parents to focus on the weak areas. Home work can be easily tracked between the teachers and the parents. A feature on regular updates about the school through the articles and discussion forums reduces the gaps between the parents and the school.


In order to achieve better school management system, most schools now prefer using online school management programs.